Thursday, July 22, 2010

Personal Entry: Defend Your Cheese

Personal Entry: Defend Your Cheese
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

On this personal entry, I would like to talk about this cool flash game I just played. Currently, it is still in BETA test. The game is is a simple adventure strategy game. You started off by "buying" a white mouse. The white mouse have their own status like life and stamina. It will go and bite the opponent cheese and will come back to eat your cheese. Whenever you eat the enemy cheese, you will get "money" o buy more and better mouse.  when the mouse come back, you have to strategically buy the correct mouse. Whichever cheese fall down first lose.
So what actually grabbed players to keep on playing this game? Below is the screenshot of the game:

As you can see, the game is unique in its simplicity and addictive to play. It goes back to the concept K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). The graphic catch the eye of the audience and the for sure will attract more to play this game.
Why don't you give it a try? You can try the BETA version here.

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