Thursday, July 22, 2010

LEGO . Creativity . Innovation . Invention

LEGO . Creativity . Innovation . Invention
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

As mention before in the previous post, every human is born with his or her own set of creativity. Creativity is like a LEGO set.  Every time a child get hold on a LEGO set, they will create a variation of LEGO combination . The amount of LEGO combination that can be make is limited only by your "laziness".  

Innovation on the other hand is fraternal twin of creativity. It's look identical to creativity but instead of creating random act of creativity, it's an act of act of random creativity that can sell. It's like you are asking a kid to creatively combine the LEGO set into something that is practical and has money value.

Invention,  the embodiment of something new. Not to be confuse with its older sibling, the creativity and innovation, invention is the act of creating something new that send shockwave throughout a community or the world. It's like you giving a kid the same Lego set and they used it to make an airborne aircraft that can actually fly, for example.

There you have it. I end this with a seemingly related image.

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