Thursday, July 22, 2010


Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

Creativity, a god given gift to mankind. Creativity have help mankind survive in this planet since the day they exist. Creativity also separate us from our animal cousin and the super memorizing robot. So what is creativity? According to Wikipedia, Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing.

Creativity helps us in daily life in many way. It also help some of history greatest man like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison in creating some of mankind greatest discovery. Creativity help to break down the norm, manipulating the intelligence and reproducing everyday thing into something wonderful. With creativity, everyday thing become more and more interesting, diverse and colourful.  Without it, we might still be in a cave somewhere. Whether in the hand of the genius, or an average Joe, there is no end to creativity.

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