Thursday, July 22, 2010


Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

**An example of Juxtaposition that I did in the scan above.

Let's start the entry about juxtaposition with a definition from Wikipedia.
" Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another "
Juxtaposition, the idea behind this word is when you arrange two of more ideas, actions, characters, words, or phrases side by side or in a similar manner . Usually it done like that in the purpose of comparison, suspense, rhetorical effect, contrast, and character development.

1) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love” using the image below.

Love  is like a chili,
The colour of your hair is green,
The colour of your skin is red,
Your personality maybe too hot,
But I love you as you are.

2) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life” using the image below.

Life is like a candle,
Light up in the darkness of death,
It bring comfort to other from its glowing life fire,
The fire of life bring you power,
As powerful as it is, life like candle, will finish up one day

3) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain” using the image below.

Pain is like an ice-cream,
Taking our your money to buy the ice-cream is a wallet pain,
Eating it give you a mild headache pain,
cleaning up after you eat is a pain,
But it is still delicious little ice-cream.

4) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman” using the image below.

Woman is like Mortar and pestle,
They are loud when knock,
They are very hard to break,
They may annoy you at time when they make a sound,
But at the end, they provide the family with something enjoy by all.

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