Thursday, July 22, 2010


Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

**An example of Juxtaposition that I did in the scan above.

Let's start the entry about juxtaposition with a definition from Wikipedia.
" Juxtaposition (literary), synonymous with contrast, two objects or texts that oppose one another "
Juxtaposition, the idea behind this word is when you arrange two of more ideas, actions, characters, words, or phrases side by side or in a similar manner . Usually it done like that in the purpose of comparison, suspense, rhetorical effect, contrast, and character development.

1) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Love” using the image below.

Love  is like a chili,
The colour of your hair is green,
The colour of your skin is red,
Your personality maybe too hot,
But I love you as you are.

2) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Life” using the image below.

Life is like a candle,
Light up in the darkness of death,
It bring comfort to other from its glowing life fire,
The fire of life bring you power,
As powerful as it is, life like candle, will finish up one day

3) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Pain” using the image below.

Pain is like an ice-cream,
Taking our your money to buy the ice-cream is a wallet pain,
Eating it give you a mild headache pain,
cleaning up after you eat is a pain,
But it is still delicious little ice-cream.

4) Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of “Man or Woman” using the image below.

Woman is like Mortar and pestle,
They are loud when knock,
They are very hard to break,
They may annoy you at time when they make a sound,
But at the end, they provide the family with something enjoy by all.

Personal Entry: Defend Your Cheese

Personal Entry: Defend Your Cheese
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

On this personal entry, I would like to talk about this cool flash game I just played. Currently, it is still in BETA test. The game is is a simple adventure strategy game. You started off by "buying" a white mouse. The white mouse have their own status like life and stamina. It will go and bite the opponent cheese and will come back to eat your cheese. Whenever you eat the enemy cheese, you will get "money" o buy more and better mouse.  when the mouse come back, you have to strategically buy the correct mouse. Whichever cheese fall down first lose.
So what actually grabbed players to keep on playing this game? Below is the screenshot of the game:

As you can see, the game is unique in its simplicity and addictive to play. It goes back to the concept K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). The graphic catch the eye of the audience and the for sure will attract more to play this game.
Why don't you give it a try? You can try the BETA version here.

Mind map in Mortar and Pestle

Mind map in Mortar and Pestle
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D
Today, we have an exciting entry to put. This is based on our associated mind map on Mortar and Pestle. We are suppose to choose 5 word from his Mr. Radzi Bedu own mind map and figure out how Mortar and Pestle going to work if these two item were found by historian in the year 20010.

Keyword : Hard
In the year 20010, the Mortar and Pestle which were hard in property was use as armour.  Multiple mortar and pestle were suit up together as and armour and was sell as product for profit.
Keyword : Traditional
In the year 20010, Mortar and Pestle were used as an object of culture. With culture, people become proud and happy. This lead to a healthier life for the people.
Keyword : Round
 In the year 20010, the Mortar and Pestle were use as wheel. This has lead to a technological advancement in the future. It also lead to a portable computer with the mortar being the monitor/cpu while the pestle as the pen to operate it. Just like PDA!
 Keyword: Malaysia
In the year 20010, the Mortar and Pestle were found in Malaysia. In the mortar, lie the secret of nature. By using tree, you can crush the tree using the mortar and pestle to create biomass. This will lead to fuel that can be sell for profit!
Keyword: Hungry
 In the year 20010, the Mortar and Pestle were use by hungry people for food like corn. For those hungry people,  KLCC look like a giant corn. so they make a missile using the mortar and pestle and this lead to war!

The Mind Map. Yes, it's is a Mind Map!

The Mind Map. Yes, it's is a Mind Map!
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

This is a mind map of myself. As you can see. I divided it into 4 category, which are my Interest, Background, Hate, and Thought. Oh yeah, I will start with the definition of Mind Map that I get from Wikipedia!

"A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization,problem solving, decision making, and writing"

So a mind map help you in visualizing and classifying your thought in order gain a clear view of your thought. This help you in understanding and making sense of your idea. Logical mind map is basically a mind map that is relate information logically, usually it will make sense of the stereotype. This kind of mind map is useless in solving problem as stereotype only lead to typical safe answer. Thus, it is not wise to use it to solve serious problem that requires a great amount of thinking.

Stereotype anyone? :D

Stereotype anyone? :D

Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

 While playing one of your favourite video game, have you ever ponder on the character and  the background of the game. How it was design? How does the designer play around with stereotype to attached that character or scene to a certain identity. How much does stereotype play around in it?
 One of the best example to show my point is the Street Fighter II game by Capcom. A 2D button mashing fighting game. It's a great game and a  great breakthrough in arcade game and in video game in general. Various character from different place and country was put together in one game. Different kind of martial art style, location, not to mention clothing has been shown in the game. In order to differentiate one character from another, stereotype were used to reinforce the character identity. Either way, the stereotype shown in this game presented us with a good way to learn how, at least, the game designers at Capcom view the world. 
 One of the character, Blanka, from Brazil. He's being characterise as a green skin mutant that act more like a monster than a man. He has the power to generate intense amount of electricity. While I doubt that the capcom game designer literally believed that an average Brazilian is a green mutant man that shot out immense amount of electricity, it does show that Brazil is depicted as a wild place fill with wild people. Even the Blanka stage show a seaside village fill with people wearing little clothing and shoe. This give a stereotype impression to the people that Brazil is country of primitive, unrefined society.

Here's a fight scene of Blanka in his stage with another fighter call Ryu.
 The setting and the character design tell a lot to the people about the stereotype of a certain group and most of the time it's a bad stereotype like this one. Blanka is just one example how media stereotype have been play to provide a quick identity for a person or group that is easily recognized by an audience. A shortcut, that save them the need to write down a long detailed explanation about the character to the audience, but come at a price that often victimised that certain group of people.

LEGO . Creativity . Innovation . Invention

LEGO . Creativity . Innovation . Invention
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

As mention before in the previous post, every human is born with his or her own set of creativity. Creativity is like a LEGO set.  Every time a child get hold on a LEGO set, they will create a variation of LEGO combination . The amount of LEGO combination that can be make is limited only by your "laziness".  

Innovation on the other hand is fraternal twin of creativity. It's look identical to creativity but instead of creating random act of creativity, it's an act of act of random creativity that can sell. It's like you are asking a kid to creatively combine the LEGO set into something that is practical and has money value.

Invention,  the embodiment of something new. Not to be confuse with its older sibling, the creativity and innovation, invention is the act of creating something new that send shockwave throughout a community or the world. It's like you giving a kid the same Lego set and they used it to make an airborne aircraft that can actually fly, for example.

There you have it. I end this with a seemingly related image.


Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

Creativity, a god given gift to mankind. Creativity have help mankind survive in this planet since the day they exist. Creativity also separate us from our animal cousin and the super memorizing robot. So what is creativity? According to Wikipedia, Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. The process involves original thinking and then producing.

Creativity helps us in daily life in many way. It also help some of history greatest man like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison in creating some of mankind greatest discovery. Creativity help to break down the norm, manipulating the intelligence and reproducing everyday thing into something wonderful. With creativity, everyday thing become more and more interesting, diverse and colourful.  Without it, we might still be in a cave somewhere. Whether in the hand of the genius, or an average Joe, there is no end to creativity.

Creative Sketch

Creative Sketch
Assalamualaikum and oh hi there :D

This is a creative sketch of my friend Arron Pang. Aaron has always have this deep interest toward all thing weapon. He may not look like it but he is a weapon buff. As much he love weapon, he also love animal especially rabbit. Thus, the combination of those two interest have lead to this interpretation of him by me.
That is all.