Friday, June 18, 2010

What is this random looking blog all about?

What is this random looking blog all about? Well, this is an assignment I have to do that will talk about creativity. Below are the point form explanation of what is this assignment is all about. Yes, they were taken from my class note as it is the best way to explain this assignment

Creative "Blog" Journal
Assignment 1 (30%) – Creative “Blog” Journal  

(Documenting your creative journey for this semester)

Rationale For This Assignment

• to document your understanding and application of   creativity in a creative format 
(with images, drawings,   videos, music etc.)
• to cultivate or promote a habit of reflection of lesson’s   learn from class and other 
• to have fun!

 General Instruction
Submission format; An online journal -
• Each student is responsible for their own individual blog
• Each week AT LEAST two entries (one given in class - compulsory,
another your own reflection of what you have learn in class OR more…)
• Each week share a book, an article, a paragraph, a quote, a website on the
topic of creativity (person, product, process). Please cite your reference.

Lesson Outline (Blog Entries)
0.  Introduction to Creative Studies  (Reflections on lessons learned, your
expectations from the class, what you would like to learn from this class etc. )
1.  Defining Creativity  (*Creative Image of your friend – please scan and put
it in the blog with descriptions, expressions, experiences, etc. Send this
image to your friend. Use the creative image your friend has done of you as
your avatar/photo of you in the blog)  - Lesson 1
2.  Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.
  The history and its significance to the society (Reflections on lessons
learned)  - Lesson 2

* This entry is compulsory

 3.  Method of creative thinking.
  Briefing on mind maps (logical and associated mind map)
  And introduction to stereotype. (*Do a creative digital mind map of yourself
and upload it to your blog. Give a simple explanation if you wish e.g.
explain more about yourself, or your experience in doing the mind map

4Associated Mind Map
5.  Juxtaposition
6.  Exploration on analogy metaphor
  * Will keep you inform as we go along…enjoy the creative journey!!
Assessment for the Creative “Blog” Journal

1.  Each Lesson = 5%
  (fulfill requirement = 2%, creative content + well thought/reflective    comments
= 3%)
2.  A total of 6 lessons (Lesson 1 – Lesson 6) = 6 X 5% = 30%
3.  Marks for assignment 1 = 30%
*Important note:
  - Do not take people’s word as your own
  - Please state source when quoting someone or article

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